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How to add an attachment to an email - Knowledgebase / Administrator Help / Communication - MemberNova Support

How to add an attachment to an email

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When creating an email, you have the option of adding one or more attachments. These attachments can be a document, image, or more.


The file types you are allowed to upload are: bmp, doc, docx, eps, gif, html, htm, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, pub, swf, tif, txt, vsd, xls, xlsx, rtf, and zip.

Adding an Attachment

  1. On the Create Email page, adding an email attachment can be found towards the bottom of the page, under the Attachments heading.

  2. Click the Select Files for Upload button.

  3. Find and select the file from your computer. The file will then automatically be added to the attachment list on the email.


The maximum individual file size is 5 MB; the total file size for all combined attachments is 6 MB per email.

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